Favorite Finds

Being a graduate student requires learning through the research performed by those experts who have come before. In this post, I will be sharing some of the articles I've found along the way. They may seem mundane to some, but I hope someone, somewhere will find them interesting. To those authors whose work I will cite, I say, "Thank you! Thank you for doing the dirty work for those of us who hope to make the world a better place as a result of your efforts. Please keep up the detailed, game-changing work that you do!" FYI, I may also give a shout out to those authors whose texts I was required to buy and were actually worth the purchase price!
Thank you, Mr. Jim Knight, for compiling your knowledge to create High-Impact Instruction: A Framework for Great Teaching (2013). This text has provided an effective guide for new teachers-in-the-making to create solid lesson plans. I have the distinct feeling I will be using your framework for years to come!
Knight, J. (2013). High-impact instruction: A framework for great teaching. Corwin.
Thank you, Josie, for allowing me to share your artwork to highlight Mr. Knight's book! You have been a valuable asset along this journey.